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Non-Profit Work
~Implementing community engaged class work and skills into my endeavors beyond school~

In 2015 I became involved with the Bridging Bionic Foundation. This Organization provides advanced bionic technology for people with a variety of neurological impairments. As a member of this organization I have experienced first hand the benefits of using this advanced technology. 


My Speaking on Ideas that Matter course at DU taught me imperative skills that have allowed me to transition from a member of this organization into a true advocate for it. I have spoken on behalf of this organization at various fundraising events and participated in educating the public about this technology. Most recently I spoke about my experiences with Bridging Bionics in a feature on a CNNHeroes segment.






*The CNN segment and a photo from filming are shown on the right. All rights of these artifacts belong to CNN.

*All rights reserved to Challenge Aspen for the images above.

During the summer of 2017 I had the opportunity to work for Challenge Aspen. Challenge Aspen is a non-profit geared towards providing opportunities for physically and mentally challenged participants. These opportunities include skiing in the winter, and summer camps filled with adventure. 


As an intern with this organization I was in charge of coordinating volunteers, preparing them for their positions, and matching them one-to-one with our various participants based on both the participants needs and the volunteers experience. This work challenged my communication skills. I had to carefully communicate necessary information to volunteers so that they would be prepared to aid our participants.


As an intern I also researched, toured, and compiled the accessibility information on all the local businesses in the Aspen/Snowmass area. This information was then forwarded on to the City of Aspen and used to create an interactive accessibility map of the city. This information allows visitors to the valley to understand the best ways to maneuver through this mountain town.


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